About Me

Hi There! I'm Felicia. I'm a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a mum-to-be, a career person and maybe some might say a entrepreneurial business owner. It’s no accident that I was named Felicia and many who know me would probably tell you I certainly live up to and OWN my name! My concept for this blog is as it says - "BEING" and "HAPPY" because when we are BEING or let things BE, then I would say we're generally pretty HAPPY :) and why not be happy with just being happy? LOVE THAT! I wanted to create a space for myself to be able to express freely and share with the world what inspires me and how I’ve come to create a continuous happy life for myself. You’ll probably learn a great deal about my own life as I blog! Life certainly isn’t perfect and I have for sure had my fair share of downs as well as ups. I do hope to share with you the joy of practising mindfulness, being grateful and loving to create more happiness and flow and perhaps inspire you too! Enjoy!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

The Gift of Sleep and Rest

How this is so true at times! Do you agree?

I had one of these days yesterday - I didn't have the best sleep the night before and I can honestly tell you, I felt very unproductive... I was feeling a bit sluggish all day, I wasn't really comprehending what was going on, everything just felt a bit slower....and before I knew it the end of the day was nearing, not much got done and all I could think of was sleep! 

Of course, I know I'm also in my last few weeks of pregnancy, so its the hormones and its easy enough to point it at "baby brain"! Albeit there be some truth in that but it made me realise how we just sometimes need to listen to our bodies and do what it needs.

When I decided to have an afternoon nap - I know we don't all have the luxury of that (ok, so I'm a lady of leisure at the moment but I am also growing a little human being!) - I suddenly became much more alert when I awoke. There was a shift that went on inside and I also felt my moods change.. Has that ever happen to you? How about on the weekend, after you've had a massive work-week and then a million things to do and catch up with on the weekend, you can feel exhausted, right? Then you choose to have nanna-nap just before getting ready to go out that night and you suddenly have this new burst of energy!!

Have you ever thought that perhaps getting enough sleep or rest might just be what you need to change your mood, perspective and life in general? That your present moment could change and you could feel a whole lot HAPPIER!? Do you sometimes catch yourself and feel proud that you've ticked everything on your to-do list and you were able to so because you had all this energy?! Amazing isn't it? Amazing what a little sleep, rest or relaxation can do, to help you move forward and UPwards! :)

Why not give yourself the gift of sleep this weekend?

Thursday, 20 March 2014

International Day of Happiness

There really are so many beautiful reasons to be HAPPY! What is it for you that makes you Happy? 

Today is International Day of Happiness - why not take a moment to reflect and decide what makes you HAPPY? What makes you happy in this moment might be different in another moment - and that's ok!

What about the influence of music? The music you listen to, choose to listen to, have playing in the background - feeding your unconsiousness?  I never really thought about it until a friend of mine, Deb King, who has a passion for music, made me mindful of this one day. And now, I've never been more mindful about this, particularly, as I'm learning how (at this stage in the womb) my baby can be influenced by my state of being and the association of the sounds/music I'm listening to at the time - fascinating stuff!

Have you ever noticed the unconscious influence of the music you might listen to? Either the beat or the lyrics? How it can change your mood and/or put you in a different state of Being?

A chart topper song at the moment "HAPPY" by Pharrell Williams (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGJX9tutZEA) is just one of those songs that's influential and makes me just bop along and all of a sudden, I'm in a much happier state!

Or how about the lyrics of Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror"?

"I'm gonna make a change
For once in my life
It's gonna feel real good
Gonna make a difference...."

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change"

Making a difference in the world might be what makes you Happy! Change all starts with you - so why not choose to change your state of being to a happier one and see what happens for you? Your much Happier you might just be INFECTIOUS! The conscious influence of music.....

Happy Dayz :)

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Change starts with YOU!

I love Gandi's quote - and love being reminded of it!

Whenever I catch myself of my thoughts in a situation or my reaction to a situation or person (you know, when you're being mindful...) - it's good to be reminded of this little quote. Usually if we're feeling a bit frustrated at something or feel that 'wish' that person would change - well guess what?  The only person who can change is YOU!

You've heard of the saying "you can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink" - well that applies pretty much all the time if you're wanting someone else to change to suit you - you're probably the one who needs to drink the water! haha...  

All that needs to happen is that you have to acknowledge that YOU have a CHOICE and that choice might be change! Whether that be changing your perspective, being more compassionate, seeing a different angle, showing kindness, being even more grateful than you already are!  

Ever heard of a Chain Reaction? These little shifts is what will start your own chain reaction IN you. One little small step, change or shift is all that you probably need and pretty soon, you're onwards to a happier, healthier You. Pretty soon, others will soon notice the change IN you without you having the need to be noticed.  

All you need to do is just BE who you want to be - wholesome, loving, kind, compassionate, broadminded, appreciate etc. and the rest will follow.  You'll soon see a change in yourself and wondered why you didn't see the goodness in the first place! :)

Be the Change You wish to see in the world.... 

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Day 30: "30 Day Gratitude Challenge"

Day 30: Today I am grateful for everyone who got involved with the gratitude challenge - in their own way

No matter how or what, if you managed to take a little time each day, just a few minutes a day or wrote in a gratitude journal or contributed to the page with your gratitude - I just wanted to say Thanks for being a part of it!

I hope that you've discovered new things about you, about your life, have created and cultivated more love, peace, positivity and gratitude in your life and hope that you'll continue to carry on a daily gratitude practice in your own way x

Day 29: "30 Day Gratitude Challenge"

Day 29: Today I am grateful I have my pearly whites! Why not?!?

I was inspired by this quote as I never really thought about being grateful for having my original teeth :)

They chomp on my food so that I can feed my belly and because I was lucky enough to have braces when I was younger, they're lovely and straight for any photographic moment ;)

Have you been grateful for you teeth ever? Probably just took them for granted, right!?

Happy Dayz! :)