If you don't already know this, I'm going to let you in on a little secret....Happiness is a CHOICE!
Yesterday, I went to mums n bubs yoga at Dharma Shala. It was amazing. Not only did my baby sleep through most of the class an hour and the class is only and hour 15mins!), which allowed me to have focus, intention and space for myself, I had the whole class just to myself!
Towards the end of the class, the yoga teacher read a paragraph from a book called, Buddhism for Mothers (I'm so going to read this!!). It totally spoke to me - show compassion towards self so that you can show compassion back into the world
I know, that when I'm my Best Self, I'm a
better person for everyone else. How about You? Is this true for you too? For the past three months I've been giving myself excuses not to continue with my regular meditation or yoga practice. These excuses didn't exactly lead me be my Ultimate HAPPY self (though the house looks much tidier!). I re-realised something. If it's important enough to me, I was going to make it work, somehow, no matter what. And so after that yoga session I finally saw that I have plenty of opportunities to meditate or do a 30min yoga-at-home session (now that my baby is 'growing up' and doing decent length day naps!). No more excuses.
What excuses are you giving yourself not to be TRUELY Happy? What's stopping you from doing the things that make you happy? Perhaps you're not making your Happiness as important to you as you thought?
When There's A Will, There's a Way!
How surreal that when we TRUELY desire answers, the Universe will provide it for you. You just need to ask :)