This is such a great quote!!
Recently I've been feeling a bit flat and a bit less motivated than usual. Now I know, that when I'm that little bit more irritable (ok, I accept, there are the pregnancy hormones at play here but let's not use them as an excuse!) - then I know I've not been giving enough to myself.
It's really important to look after No.1 - yes, that's right - YOU! and I don't mean this in a selfish way. Wayne W. Dyer says it well - by giving to yourself first, showing yourself some self-love, self-respect, self-compassion, then you're more able to give to others. You are definitely a better person and did I mention happier too?!? :)
Once we've fulfilled our needs of nourishing ourselves, then we're much better at coping with everything else that comes our way. I know I'm a much more giving, understanding, energetic, patient and LOVING human BEING which allows me to do what I love to do and give back and be there for others. Whether that be to have the energy to uplift my husband after he's had a tiring hard day at work or be it that I can be a good listener to a friend who needs to offload her problems for a different perspective.
What you choose to give to yourself will be different for everyone. My suggestion would be to find something small that you can do regularly or daily that gives you more energy.
It could be creating a habit for daily meditation, treating yourself to wholesome food and making sure you're eating well for the week - fuelling your body with nutritious food like green smoothies, or walking regularly after work to clear your head and to breathe in fresh air. It could be a commitment to increasing your yoga sessions to more than once a week or start that gratitude journal you've been meaning to and commit to writing in it everyday. Some might treat themselves to a massage, a mani & pedi or a weekend away.
What ever it is, you do it because it's for you. No one else. Just for you!
Call these "self-loving" moments :)
If you're feeling uncomfortable about giving to yourself, perhaps try this exercise:
- Look at yourself in the mirror
- Now say "I LOVE YOU" to yourself - feel what comes up for you, does it feel good? uncomfortable?
- Repeat steps 1 & 2
- Repeat step 3 - keep repeating it until you're comfortable with saying it to yourself
- Try it again the next day
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