About Me

Hi There! I'm Felicia. I'm a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a mum-to-be, a career person and maybe some might say a entrepreneurial business owner. It’s no accident that I was named Felicia and many who know me would probably tell you I certainly live up to and OWN my name! My concept for this blog is as it says - "BEING" and "HAPPY" because when we are BEING or let things BE, then I would say we're generally pretty HAPPY :) and why not be happy with just being happy? LOVE THAT! I wanted to create a space for myself to be able to express freely and share with the world what inspires me and how I’ve come to create a continuous happy life for myself. You’ll probably learn a great deal about my own life as I blog! Life certainly isn’t perfect and I have for sure had my fair share of downs as well as ups. I do hope to share with you the joy of practising mindfulness, being grateful and loving to create more happiness and flow and perhaps inspire you too! Enjoy!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Day 15: "30 Day Gratitude Challenge"

Day 15: Today I am grateful for staying committed and taking myself to the pre-natal yoga class I had intended to go to all day.

It's so easy for us to give ourselves excuses to not do something we know will make us feel SO much better once we've done it - it's like there is a liiiittle obstacle in our way and perhaps the worst thing we might do for ourselves is to not do it. And if we don't, other 'stuff' might come up, like guilt or feeling worse than we did beforehand.

This afternoon, I felt I had already been pretty active today since I went for a swim at the pool, so I almost decided not to go to pre-natal yoga which is what I promised myself I would do since I didn't go the evening before. Setting intentions at the beginning of the day, can set us up for how we might choose to live our day.

I said to myself "Now I made the commitment and I'm going to stick with it" - also knowing deep down inside I would probably feel much better about myself and of course it's good for the baby, which is such a motivation driver for me at the moment!

Do you find yourself giving excuses and putting off something you know will do you good?  If we keep doing the same thing and giving us the same excuses but expecting a different result - well that's just the definition of insanity! LOL.  Make the shift, make the change, stick to your guns and your commitment to yourself.  You will have EVERYTHING to GAIN!

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you HAPPY" - quote from the movie, Legally Blonde

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