Day 27: Today I am grateful for my mum, for everything she's done for me in ally years of my life
The baby hasn't arrived yet, but with all the antenatal classes I've been attending, I've been learning how to cope with labour, what to do when the little human gets here, how to change a nappy, when, how and how often you might feed the munchkin etc etc.
All these things are great to know and a kickstart on how to be a good mother - lessons I know I'm going to just have to work out along the way...but it's made me appreciate everything my mum had to go through when birthing me, bringing me up in this big world and the guidance and life lessons she's tried to teach me along the way. Of course she still likes to tell me how it's done or how I should do things...but then that's up to me whether or not I decide to take it on board or make my own decisions about it!
As we get older and we from our own lives with our own personalities and form our own beliefs, we may not agree to everything our mother or parents said but it's important to be grateful and appreciative for all that they've done and try to do.
We don't need to follow everything they say, but we probably need to be a little more understanding and know they have just come from a place of their own life lessons, beliefs, upbringing and ideas on 'life'.
Our mums (like soon-to-be-me!) aren't perfect, but they are good or great in so many ways!
How are you grateful for your mum?
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