Day 6: Today I'm grateful I went to PT and for doing some exercise - and that a good friend introduced me to my current trainer! I'm also grateful for the friend who have me this book as a birthday gift one year - always great for a reminder!
Exercise is so worth it, no matter what you think at the time. It gives you energy you didn't think you have and you will generally feel good and happy once all those endorphins are released!
What's extra special for me is that going to personal training with Mel, is always fun, even if I'm not 100% up for it - like today. I was feeling a bit...tired? (For use of a better word). It could have been the weather or the pregnancy that I was finding it a tiny bit of a struggle with my breathing today. But we always have a laugh and it's never boring as every week she's set up something different! She's always so encouraging and at a particular session she minded me of this very book above (I was telling her a story from the weekend). Don't Sweat The Small Stuff! And she's so right. Sweating the small stuff can alter your mood dramatically. It leads to bigger stuff and that bigger stuff didn't need to happen but it did because I didn't let go of the little thing!
So let go of the small stuff, incorporate some exercise into your week and overall you're that little bit happier ;)
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