About Me

Hi There! I'm Felicia. I'm a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a mum-to-be, a career person and maybe some might say a entrepreneurial business owner. It’s no accident that I was named Felicia and many who know me would probably tell you I certainly live up to and OWN my name! My concept for this blog is as it says - "BEING" and "HAPPY" because when we are BEING or let things BE, then I would say we're generally pretty HAPPY :) and why not be happy with just being happy? LOVE THAT! I wanted to create a space for myself to be able to express freely and share with the world what inspires me and how I’ve come to create a continuous happy life for myself. You’ll probably learn a great deal about my own life as I blog! Life certainly isn’t perfect and I have for sure had my fair share of downs as well as ups. I do hope to share with you the joy of practising mindfulness, being grateful and loving to create more happiness and flow and perhaps inspire you too! Enjoy!

Saturday 14 December 2013

It's All About Perspective

Holidays are a great way to relax and unwind from ones busy normal everyday life. But another thing holidays are good for, especially when visiting a new culture, is to put things into PERSPECTIVE. 

Seeing and experiencing different cultures around the world allows me to put my life in perspective. To make me realise I have it good! In fact, I have it GREAT! 

I do what I feel I need to do in order to live a great life - we're all responsible for the outcome and HAPPINESS of our own BEING and life.

Comparing yourself to others can make you feel less empowered and miserable, just makes you unhappy. Especially if you're comparing yourself to what you're not or what you don't have.

What if, you compared yourself to others in a way that would have you create more appreciation of your own life instead? Wouldn't that make you change perspective and realise that your world is probably a whole lot better than you thought it was?

The moment you find yourself feeling upset, unhappy, cranky etc because you have compared yourself to another or others. Stop. Think about all you have instead - that you have food on the table, a roof over your head, or maybe you live near the beach or the fact you can afford to go on that beach holiday - change your perspective! 

One thing I've also learnt is that if your parent, partner, friend or whoever else is comparing you to others - you don't need to worry what they think, that's their perspective. You have your own. What you think of yourself is all that TRUELY MATTERS!  :)

Sunday 8 December 2013

Appreciate the Little Things

Being on holidays in Mexico has given me a little bit more appreciation for the little things - the things we already have in Australia that perhaps many of us might take for granted, such as perfectly safe drinking water or beautiful clean beaches of Sydney.

In Mexico, it's advised not to drink the water. Not even the locals drink it! There are other countries in the world similar where the water is not necessarily safe to drink or to even brush your teeth! Yet how many of us are actually grateful or mindful for safe drinking water each day? Or other little things in our life?

I find, the more often I have appreciation or am grateful for the little things in my life, the more happiness that I feel and create.

What little thing could you be more appreciative of today? It sounds like such a simple little act, yet it can bring great rewards. 

Happy Dayz! :)

Thursday 5 December 2013

Be Kind to Yourself

I picked this beautiful inspiration from a past Deepak Chopra & Oprah meditation challenge.

Currently holidaying in Mexico, we've found the local people to be so friendly and welcoming. Do you find when people give and you receive, you can't help but want to give back?

We know the experience of feeling and receiving unconditional love, such as a parent to a child or a husband to his wife. But are we aware of when or how we give unconditional love? And what about unconditional love to ourselves?

There certainly have been moments in the past where my self-talk (you know, the voice inside your head or the conversations you have with yourself?), hasn't always been the most positive or loving or kind. 

I make a promise to myself to practice meditation daily, but what if I've skipped a day or even a few days in between practices for whatever reason? What would you do? Do you beat yourself up? Be hard on yourself or tell yourself you suck or are hopeless? Or can you be kind to yourself and just let the situation go and whatever is, just BE?

I firstly had to learn to create some self-awareness of when I might beat myself up or put myself down for not achieving or doing or living up to my own intentions or expectations. Creating that awareness then made me become aware that it's equally important to be kind to ourselves and allow ourself to make a mistake now and again. We are all humans BEINGS after all and imprefect in every beautiful way - we too need to give oursleves a little UNCONDITONAL self-LOVE. 

At the moment, my body is rapidly changing with my pregnancy. Now if I look at myself in a mirror and might say, OMG, I'm looking a bit fat/big/huge... if I do, I can quickly CHOOSE to stop myself from thinking that way, CHANGE my MINDSET and express some unconditional love towards myself - choose to love being pregnant and admire at how my baby is growing instead. Amazing what shift that makes. Might even put a smile on your face :)

The more we give ourselves a little self-love, the more we are also able to create more unconditional love to give AND feel/receive unconditional love back. If you're not feeling the love, why not start with you first? :) 

Imagine how much happier you could be feeling!

Monday 25 November 2013

Finding Inner Balance

For ages I've been trying to obtain a "balanced lifestyle" - I'd done some personal work with my mentor, Mia Munro, who asked me to define what BALANCE meant for me.

What does Balance mean for you?

For me, it was about having the right amount of juggle - between work and lifestyle, friends vs. family vs. me time vs. us time (relaxing time with hubby). Finding the right balance of "busy-ness" to "relaxation" time.  All sounds grand, right? But when you sit down to work out how much time in the day vs. the week vs. the year, how are you ever to really know and work out how balanced you are or can be?

So then I discovered that Balance for me, was a FEELING.  So long as I felt like my life was balanced, then it was - the feeling of complete calm, centredness, wholeness.  I knew I was 'out-of-balance' when life was feeling a little too kaotic - where there was too much busy-ness and not enough me time or time out.

One day, I was attending a yoga classes at Dharma Shala (Bondi) and the lightbulb went off! I love Anna's classes - she has an emphasis on mindfulness and the breath during our yoga practice. She described BALANCE as a moment. I had one of those AH-HA moments!!!

Balance can be achieved at any time, and is only ever found in a moment. 

We can find balance whenever we want. We can create balance at any time. It's only ever in a moment. Knowing that, for me, means I can make a choice. I can CHOOSE to be balanced in that present moment - any moment, really! :)

And haven't you ever felt that when your life feels balanced - life just seems all that much easier and happier?  :)

Happy Dayz!!

Thursday 21 November 2013

Head or Heart?

I took this photo at Bondi's Sculptures By the Sea which happens in November every year and runs over two weeks.  What I love about it, is how our brains are confused because it's a STOP sign, yet our clever little brains can make out the word START with the few letters that appear...  so is it a start or stop sign?

Sometimes our heads say one thing, yet our hearts say another - and then confusion or frustration might set in.  Ever happen to you?

My head tells me to write something super positive, yet my heart says, just tell the TRUTH and the rest will flow.  So that's what I'm going to do!

Like everyone, I'm not perfect.  That's the simple truth. I'm human after all!

Last week seemed rather challenging.  Anything that could go wrong, did. If I could be late for something like work or an appointment, I was. If I could give my husband the shits, I gave it to him. If I could feel emotions - which I did, I cried.  I think I cried at least once a day last week!

I would say I'm a glass-half-full rather than a glass-half-empty kinda gal. More so, I do my best to keep my glass topped up and that's when I know I'm really congruent as everything flows easily and effortlessly! Life feels GREAT! But like most people, I don't always have uplifting days - that's just life.

Upon reflection of last weeks antics, however, I realised that it's because I created my daily habits and rituals (even if it meant I would run late for an appointment!) - that allowed me to come out alright in the end.  Sometimes we just need to trust the process. What I know for sure, when I'm faced with a lot of challenges all at once, it can only mean that a change is a coming!!!

Here's what I do to keep me going:
* Daily meditation - it seemed the latest Oprah & Deepak meditation came at the right time!  I was certainly going through some personal challenges and the challenges that the meditation practice brought - Desire & Destiny - definitely CHALLENGED me!  It also allowed me to get some clarity, for example, one of the days I was able to label "frustration" and that's what was going on for me at the time.  Each day is different, as is each moment.

*Gratitude Journal - there is nothing more that helps me to get me out of a rut of downward spiralling of unhealthy thoughts than to write in my gratitude journal.  It allows me to keep being a loving human being.  It allows me to be focused on the good things in life so that I can attract and be given more of that greatness from the universe.

* Contributing to my blog and Facebook page and allow myself to be inspire by other people's pages and blogs of a similar 'happy' theme

* Present moments - Have you ever noticed your thoughts? When you're shitty at someone, do you keep thinking negative thoughts and complain and whinge about that person or do you stop yourself and start to be grateful for the lessons they might be giving you instead?  It's important to STOP everyone once in a while throughout the day and just be fully present.  Take a DEEP BREATH!  

Amazing what a simple little act like taking a deep breath can do for you and to clear the head!  Whenever I became present, I learnt lessons in those 'difficult' moments.  Lessons of personal responsibility, more letting go (of control) that I needed to do and to just allow whatever it is to JUST BE.

Ahhhh... peace :)

Monday 11 November 2013


It was my mum's birthday on the weekend - Happy Birthday Mum!!

It reminded me about how much I love celebrating my birthday and birthdays in general - I mean, why wouldn't you want to celebrate the birth of your being? Your coming into this world? It's a special day to celebrate YOU!

So it made me think of celebration in general...

How often do you celebrate?  And I don't mean just a birthday or promotion. Do you ever stop to think, I'm going to take a moment and celebrate what I've achieved in my life over the years. Have you acknowledged and celebrated what you've ever done over the year?  or even in the past few months?

I've found for me, that when I stop to reflect, acknowledge and 'celebrate' what I've accomplished so far - there's a little wave of happiness, of contentment, of love and of my life that I've chosen to live it the way I want to live it.  Sometimes we get so busy of achieving, achieving, achieving, looking to gain the next step and then the next.  Then we might get frustrated about why we're not getting to our next goal, when sometimes, we need to just stop and celebrate a little for what we've already done.

It can be really simple.  Today, I'm going to celebrate this blog - my little space of 'personal space and inspiration'.  I had been thinking of wanting to do it for so long, then I finally did and then I shared it! WOW!!! What an impact it made for me.  And even today - I'm going to celebrate that I finally got around to setting up my facebook fanpage for my blog - it's finally done! I'm happy I've done it, I'm able to cross it off the "To-Do list" and be happy it's one less thing that my mind has to consider.

And since I'm pregnant, I unfortunately can't pop open the bottle of champagne - but that's my point.  Celebration doesn't mean you have to go out and party.  It's just a little something for you, to create a little more happiness in your life.

What are you going to celebrate in your life today?

Wednesday 6 November 2013


I love the simplicity of this quote! Doesn't it just make you smile? :)

Sometimes we just need to simplify our lives to be happier. The only ones who complicate it, are us. Ourselves. Numero Uno.

What could you simplify in your life today? Tomorrow? It could be a thing, a task, a habit? Could it be to declutter? Let go of certain people who cause more pain than joy? Eat raw food so you don't have to cook?

Maybe just have a cupcake and be happy with that ;)

Saturday 2 November 2013

You Are Your Thoughts - Think HAPPY Thoughts!

When we're ill or when situations aren't going as we had expected, it's best to stay positive by thinking about all the things that could go right. 

I have learnt that our unconscious mind is fascinating and that our thoughts can sometimes bring about just that - that the universe responds to our thoughts and gives us what we 'unconsciously' think about. 

There's a saying "You are what you think about all day long". 

It's so important in certain situations to, yes, acknowledge your feelings, perhaps of fear, but more importantly to let go of that and think differently. 

Reflect on the good in your life, be grateful that you are surrounded by loving people who care about you, trust the amazing doctors out there who are an expert in their field to look after you. 

Trust yourself, be intuitive to your body. Rest up because you intuitively know it needs it, don't resist. BE trusting to the experts who might examine you. Accept this moment and allow whatever happens to happen. Whatever you resist will persist. 

Just remember, think happy positive thoughts and trust you will pull through :)

Thursday 31 October 2013

Healthy Habits - Meditation Tips

What are you doing right now?  Right this second - ok, silly question... you're reading my blog.

Here's the thing - there are many ways to meditate. We just sometimes get stuck on a particular idea of how to do it, get overwhelmed and then never start.  The key is just to get started!  ACT NOW :)  It may just change your life.....

I'm no meditation guru, but I've certainly tried out a few techniques. I'll share them with you and hope it gives you some ideas to get started. It's not hard and anyone can do it.  

Best tip is to choose a time of day that you can do it each day such as first thing in the morning or perhaps at night before bed.  Whenever it is, choose to commit.  It's like brushing your teeth - make it a "won't forget to do it" habit or a "non-negotiable". Oh, and find a quiet comfy space you call yours

As I mentioned in my last post, meditating for an hour didn't fit my lifestyle, so I had to find something that did. Meditation need only take 10-15mins. Surely you can find that amount of time and if not, here's an idea - when you go to the toilet, just stay there a bit longer!  :)

  1. ok, for those who don't think you can sit down and actually do the act of meditating, look at meditation this way - it's just a way to create mindfulness and keeping in the present moment.

    Pick something you do purely from habit each day, like brush your teeth or your must-have coffee.  Do nothing else but notice yourself brushing your teeth.  Don't think of what you have to do that day or what you're going to wear. Just stay present and notice what you're doing - which side do you start brushing your teeth? Is it the same everyday? How long do you brush each tooth for? Do you start with the front? the back? Brush back and forth or up and down? What does your tongue do? How long can you hold toothpaste in your mouth until the taste starts to disappear?
  2. Another way is that you can choose a mantra.  My first yoga teacher taught us one to use - "so hum".  You breathe in (quietly say) "so", breathe out "hum" - easy right?

    This allows you to not think of anything else BUT those words. Alternatively you can focus on your breathe, maybe count each breath when you breathe in and if thoughts get in the way, you just start again. Time yourself for 15mins.
  3. Want a guided meditation? Oprah & Deepak teamed up earlier this year and have had two releases of a 21 day "meditation challenge".

    Guess what?  You're in luck!  They are doing another one!!!!  Who's excited?  It starts in 11 days on 11th November - enough time for you to procrastinate ;)  Here's the link to the next one:  https://chopracentermeditation.com/
    (you can purchase the other two which I also loved doing!).

    These too only go for 15mins.

Have fun with it! ENJOY!!  If you think it's easy, then it will be! And RELAX! :)

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Letting go of Meditation Myths

The other day I caught up with a friend and I asked her if she had any "me-time" - her answer was yes, no...yes... I'm going to mind-read here and say the answer was probably no... 

Each of us do really know the answers as the answers can be found in our heart, but what many of us are unable to do (yet) is to tap into our hearts to be able to speak our truth.

I went on to suggest that perhaps she could find 10mins a day which she could call her "me time". For her it was her coffee - but I wonder what she's doing while she's drinking that coffee?  Was she thinking about the coffee in the moment, the smell, the taste or was her mind elsewhere thinking about the kids, what happened yesterday, what needs to be done today?  

Sound familiar?

I decided to suggest meditation to her - her answer made me realise there are many myths out there on what meditation is or does.  Firstly - just LET GO of that idea!

Here are a few myths:
- meditation is for busy people, who want to slow down: er...no, meditation is for ANYONE!

- I can't meditate because I can't sit still and my mind races on all sort of things: well that MINDSET just isn't going to get you anywhere now is it? :)

- I don't have time to meditate: that's probably an indication that CREATING A PRACTICE would do you some good!

The truth is, there are many meditation techniques out there - you just need to find the one that suits you, with your lifestyle.  Trust me, I've tried plenty! From 30mins to 1 hour practices only to give it up a year later.  I now realise I too am a busy person and dedicating a full hour meditation practice did not really suit my lifestyle.  I now practice for 10-15mins daily and you can too.

Creating a meditation practice for me is important because I know the benefits of it, plus it really did expand my awareness so that I did let go of control I didn't even know I had!  You know the times where you want things to be or turn out a certain way and then get upset/annoyed when it doesn't? ;) 

Here are just some ideas you might like to try on. Meditation allows me to be more grounded, to allow me to speak to my own heart space and in return be more intuitive. A daily practice allows me to be a better person towards others, living my life with more gratitude, awareness and to be more loving and mindful. I am able to cope with life's stress a lot better, recognise when I'm self-judging, be kind to myself and generally have even more happiness in my life than I already :)

Happy Dayz!! :)

Monday 21 October 2013

Creating rituals

Today is my dad's birthday - Happy Birthday Dad!

This quote was one of the many I would hear my dad mention to me. Perhaps it's one of the reasons I like to find inspirational quotes!

I love waking up early to see the sunrise. It's one if the most favourite parts of my day (and watching the sunset, but I live in the east, so I get the sunrise!). This photo is a photo I actually took on one of my many early morning Bondi walks. 

There is so much truth to this quote, what a clever man Mr. Benjamin Franklin was! 

It is a reminder that we need to be looking after ourselves - it's all about mind, body, spirit. Without our health, then what wealth would we enjoy? 

Be mindful to eat well and fuel your body with lots of nutritious whole foods and cut out all that refined sugar! Not only should one eat well, exercise is important and what many people might struggle with is to get enough sleep! So get to bed early, turn off that iPad, TV, smartphone or anything similar at least an hour before bed. This way you're not overstimulated before bed and you have a better chance of a more restful sleep!

I have to say, I personally am at my best before lunch time. So the earlier I'm up the more time I have to get more done! And the only way I'm up early (not using an alarm clock !) is an early night :)

When we're getting better sleep, our body functions so much better!!! (Such as burning fat or better alertness). Would you cope with stress a whole lot better if you made sure you got a restful sleep?

What time will you be heading to bed tonight? And what night time ritual might you put into place for a more restful sleep?

Friday 18 October 2013

Kindness and Appreciation

How are you feeling this morning?

What small thing will you do to make a shift in your life that might make your day better today, right now, in this very moment? 

We can all do something very small and very simple to improve our lives and our day to give us a different perspective and change it for a more a positive outlook. But have you ever thought about what small thing you can do for others that might make their day? It could be as easy as letting them know how grateful and appreciative you are for them.

What small but certain RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS could you be doing today? You might not know it, but it could totally change their day and allow them to have a better day!

Think of a time when a stranger perhaps did something for you that changed your course for the day.

The other day, I was standing in line to buy a bus ticket and a random elderly man gave me his all day train/bus/ferry ticket, meaning I could use any public transport for free! (To go and pick up keys from my husband). The kindness he presented made a small impact in my day as I was a bit flustered from having locked myself out of the house! 

Perhaps we forget to let someone know how much you appreciate them for what they did or said to make you feel better?

My mother-in-law specifically wrote me an email to let me know how good I looked over FaceTime and how pregnancy was suiting me well. That really meant a lot to me as we don't all feel radiant during pregnancy! Yet I hadn't let her know how much I had appreciated her thoughts. 

So my small act today is to email her back to acknowledge the appreciation I felt. 

I know sometimes all we want to feel is acknowledgment and the knowing we are appreciated by others. 

Thursday 17 October 2013

Find Your Inner Energy

This is such a great quote!!

Recently I've been feeling a bit flat and a bit less motivated than usual. Now I know, that when I'm that little bit more irritable (ok, I accept, there are the pregnancy hormones at play here but let's not use them as an excuse!) - then I know I've not been giving enough to myself. 

It's really important to look after No.1 - yes, that's right - YOU! and I don't mean this in a selfish way. Wayne W. Dyer says it well - by giving to yourself first, showing yourself some self-love, self-respect, self-compassion, then you're more able to give to others. You are definitely a better person and did I mention happier too?!? :)

Once we've fulfilled our needs of nourishing ourselves, then we're much better at coping with everything else that comes our way.  I know I'm a much more giving, understanding, energetic, patient and LOVING human BEING which allows me to do what I love to do and give back and be there for others. Whether that be to have the energy to uplift my husband after he's had a tiring hard day at work or be it that I can be a good listener to a friend who needs to offload her problems for a different perspective.

What you choose to give to yourself will be different for everyone. My suggestion would be to find something small that you can do regularly or daily that gives you more energy.  

It could be creating a habit for daily meditation, treating yourself to wholesome food and making sure you're eating well for the week - fuelling your body with nutritious food like green smoothies, or walking regularly after work to clear your head and to breathe in fresh air.  It could be a commitment to increasing your yoga sessions to more than once a week or start that gratitude journal you've been meaning to and commit to writing in it everyday. Some might treat themselves to a massage, a mani & pedi or a weekend away.

What ever it is, you do it because it's for you.  No one else.  Just for you!

Call these "self-loving" moments :)

If you're feeling uncomfortable about giving to yourself, perhaps try this exercise:

  1. Look at yourself in the mirror
  2. Now say "I LOVE YOU" to yourself - feel what comes up for you, does it feel good? uncomfortable?
  3. Repeat steps 1 & 2
  4. Repeat step 3 - keep repeating it until you're comfortable with saying it to yourself
  5. Try it again the next day

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Embrace It!

Earlier this year we were in Bali doing a 7 day surf & yoga retreat with Salt Retreats - Amazing experience by the way if you ever decide to try it! The retreat was small but the people we met were amazing - fun and just really down to earth.  One of the things I remember is one of the girls saying was "Embrace It" and I've since carried it with me.

When we allow and accept what is, we definitely feel a little more relief, release and happier.  When we try to fight against something - a situation, person etc - we tend to end up feeling more stressed, frustrated, unaccepting, controlling - the list goes on! 

A chat with my mentor, Mia Munro, not too long ago, made me realise that for a long time my journey has been about 'letting go' - yes, one might say, I too wanted to be in control of my own life (like all aspects!) - now I'm not saying don't be responsible for your own life, because you are, but if you add a little bit of 'letting go' in there with some of the 'control'...well... the feeling is just completely different.

For me, with my current circumstances, I've had my husband tell me many times "embrace it" (the pregnancy) and I'm certainly doing a lot of allowing and accepting.  Just on the weekend, I've totally just had to allow and accept that my body is changing, there is no rule when or how much it will change in whatever time frame, so I've just got to embrace it.  I'm talking about the fact that I had to go out and buy maternity pants!  Just getting into my forth month, you're only really just starting to show!  You read lots of stuff about wearing loose or stretchy clothes.  Yup that totally worked for me from the second month and I stored away my skinny jeans and lived in my leggings, but a shop with my mum found me making the switch - and oh my goodness, they felt so good! It's such a different feeling. 

Now I could be all depressed about it that I'm getting bigger, losing my petite shape and having to wear maternity wear so early on OR I could and have totally embraced it. I've shown me a little self-love and respect - more about that another time!  It makes me love being pregnant!   In fact, it's made it more fun as I get to look at a new wardrobe!  

so let's just sit with that thought for today....

What are you trying to 'control' that's not working for you?  What would happen if you allow things to be as they are, or to accept that person for who they are?  

We can't control everything - think about it - you can't tell the sun when to wake up, right?  As they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Attitude of Grattitude

A while back I started on this path of personal development, getting to know me, finding the meaning of life, you know? that sort of thing...surely you've contemplated to find the meaning or purpose of your life at least once!

A lesson I learnt was to have an "Attitude of Grattitude". Now this takes practice. Now and again over the years it slipped through for me as it hadn't really been ingrained into my subconscious. But these days I totally believe in this little motto. 

Let's take what Paul Coelho says: "Life has many ways of testing a person's will, either by having nothin for by having everything at once". How true this is! But what an help keep us grounded and same is having an Attitude of Grattitude. For whatever the situation may be, in order to find happiness and contentment rather than overwhelm and stress is to just 'let go'. Easier said than done right? Well what if you just were grateful for whatever the universe was throwing you at that moment. What if you were grateful for the opportunities, the people in you life, the fact you are healthy and fit?

Want to try it? No better time than to start today! What 3 things are you grateful for?

For me: 
I'm grateful I have a day off so I can go hang out with my dad. 
I'm grateful for the winds blowing to dry the laundry outside
I'm grateful I did some grocery shopping yesterday so that I had some breakfast this morning

Super easy!!! Happy Dayz! :)

Monday 30 September 2013

Spring Clean for Renewed Energy Flow

I love this as my inspiration today.  

Because it's true.  We all have choices, so when you get stuck in a rutt and you think you just don't have a choice, well guess what?  You actually do!  Simply put - choose a different way/method/path/mindset.  It's YOUR choice to be happy :)

After some Sunday night reflection last night, I kinda realised I'm becoming a bit out of 'flow', like blocked-energy or something.  My body was starting to ache, I wasn't really being productive or getting anything done.... and then I realised, there's a bit of an energy block!  The house is in a bit of a schamozzle, my work desk was cramped full of paperwork, receipts, bills to be paid all looking a bit untidy and unorderly - lots of CLUTTER!

Heard of Feng Shui?  I'm not overly superstitious, but I like to take part in this now and again. One part of of Feng Shui is about the placement of things to create good positive flow in one's life/home to bring in good fortune.  In my case, I had created 'bad' feng shui with all this clutter!  It's no wonder I was procrastinating in doing any work and unconsciously my mind was just a bit frazzled!

So I woke up this morning and CHOSE to do something about it .  To feel energised and put me in a good mood, I went to my first pre-natal yoga class (yoga is an excellent way to stretch out, strengthen AND relax the body). Came home, Feeling good!

Next up, I was up for the task to de-clutter the house so that we would have better energy flow - cleaning up the house and tidying up my workspace.  Now I could have chosen not to do this, but then I would just be back at square one -  in a schamozzle.  And really, who wants that?

Think of it like this - you're kyaking down a river.  It's all smooth sailing until you get to some rapids where the water is disturbed, going in all sorts of directions, trying to 'get around' the obstacles in the way.  You also don't know if you're going to make it through the rapids or capsize and fall into the water and it all feels a bit kaotic! (or exciting for some... and that's ok too). Same goes with energy flow - it's a good idea to have it going smoothly so that life is free flowing and eeeeeeasy.

So, what will you CHOOSE to do today?  What might you choose to 'de-clutter' to create more flow in your life?

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Don't Worry, Be Happy! :)

Remember the song "Don't Worry, Be Happy"?  

(Here's a link to a youtube 80s music video in case you haven't: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHFDa9efCQU - it will totally put you into a good mood!)

Well it's a great motto to live by.  Have you ever found that the more you're worried about something, or how things might turn out you end up stressing??! And if you're stressing, I can bet you're not being very happy in that moment, right?

What if you could just believe that it's all going to work out in the end no matter how bad it might be right now?  It takes a bit of a load off, doesn't it?

Try allowing things to be the way they are meant to be and TRUST that it will all work out in the end.

Happy Dayz! :)